Got My First Payment Check From AzoogleAds CPA Network

I joined Azoogleads affiliate marketing network recently and today I got my first check from them. It’s time for celebration! I always love to celebrate my first check from any affiliate network.

Actually, I made mistake not joining AzoogleAds affiliate network from my very first day of affiliate marketing. AzoogleAds is one of the best affiliate networks I ever worked with and I hope this will become my favorite CPA network soon.

I have many successful CPA campaigns on different affiliate networks but today let’s stick to AzoogleAds offers, traffic sources and profitable CPA campaigns which resulted in my first check from Azoogleads.

Azoogleads CPA network money

Traffic sources:

I’m mainly using PPV (Pay per view) also known as CPV (Cost per view) traffic from CPV network DirectCPV for all AzoogleAds campaigns. DirectCPV is very cheap traffic source. Advertising cost starts with very low bid $0.004 for RON campaigns and $0.01 for targeted traffic sources (Like URL, Category or Keyword targeted traffic).


I managed to get my first AzoogleAds check with only 2-3 successful email and zip submit campaigns. These type of offers works very well with PPV traffic. Almost 70% of revenue generated with email submit offers.

On other CPA networks I’ve tried almost all niche offers, but on AzoogleAds currently I’m focusing only on email submit offers and to some extent ‘make money online niche’.

Campaign Profit:

On average, I managed to get almost 60% profit from all PPV campaigns on AzoogleAds. Still, this is very low profit margin according to me and I can increase this to 80 to 90% once I know the best converting offers on AzoogleAds network.

Stay Tuned!
You will see more posts about how to optimize PPV campaigns and convert almost every campaign profitable within first few hours of making it online.

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2 thoughts on “Got My First Payment Check From AzoogleAds CPA Network”

  1. That’s really cool dude. congrats!
    I’m working with them since long but no payments yet :(

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